*** Notes *** *Annual Halloween Show* Performing as Oasis Oasis was: Scott Lucas - vox Rick Ness - guitar Phil Young - bass Pat McIntyre - guitar,vox Neal Ostrovsky - drums Taper: Jon Gannon (lordofdarkness81@hotmail.com) Location: 10ft from left side of stage Equipment: DAB's > Sharp MD-MT90>Cool Edit Pro > CDWave > CDR (0) Notes from taper: My stereo binaural microphones are broken, only one of the two works. Because of this I had to make the recording in mono. Despite this the recording still came out pretty good. There is a small dropout during the tail end of track 8 during feedback, so no actual music was lost. Please don't convert this show to mp3, and whatever you do don't sell it or I will hunt you down and murder your loved ones. Enjoy! |