*** Notes *** AUD(1) Taper: David Jeffers (Oysterhead00@hotmail.com) Source: AT853s (SP-CMC-8) > SPSB-2 (@69Hz) > SP-AD2000 > CJB3 (44.1 WAV) Location: Dead center, back wall, mics at 9' Transfer: CJB3 > Firewire > PC Encoding: SoundForge > CDWAV > MKWACT > .SHN Additional Notes:: Recorded from very back of venue in the bar area, dead center with mic stand fully extended to 9'. Very bassy venue with poor acoustics, but the recording still turned out pretty well. No equalizing, normalizing or other digital editing was done to this recording except for the fades added to the first and last tracks. The recording level is a little low, but I didn't want to boost it. |