*** Notes *** Source: at853s (sp-cmc-8) > spsb-2 (@16hz) > sharp md-mt77 Location: about 20' from the stage, center Encoding: sony mds-s707 > toslink > dio 2448 > soundforge > .wav > mkwact > .shn From the taper oysterhead: I got knocked into by some drunk and then his friends came over to talk to me and kept tapping my shoulders where I had the mics hidden. The last 3 minutes of WWYHMD? were all guitar feedback so I opted to just fade out before the drunks attacked :) No lyrics or any real music is missing. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Additional Notes: (Dewey Cole) The first 3 songs of this set, "Rock And Roll Professionals", "Fritz's Corner", and "All The Kids Are Right" have been omitted. I have no idea why. I am contacting the taper to find out. This recording is incomplete.