*** Notes *** I made one mistake during this show. I thought I would be able to get a good recording from the 5th or 6th row, directly under the speakers. I was wrong. As soon as "Half-Life" started, I was being tossed around left, and right between rowdy St. Louis teenagers. So, during "Son Of Cha" I decided to get the hell outta there, like a white man in harlem. I stood directly in front of the soundboard about 15-20 ft in front of the stage. The sound was still pretty decent from this spot, but you will hear a few bumps of static in tracks 2, and 3. This was caused from being bumped. Amazingly, the first 2 songs didn't really suffer, they sound really good - odd how that works - all in all a great show, and lots of energy from both the band, and the fans at the Galaxy. -Charles Dewey Cole